Man on the Subway Refuses to Give Up Seat for Expectant Woman
Something happened to me today on the metro that truly got me to ponder. A pregnant woman entered, appearing quite worn out, as though she had been standing all day. The train was packed, but she clearly needed a seat. A young man sitting down, engrossed in his phone, caught her attention. She walked up to him and said, “Excuse me, could I take a seat?” I’m extremely worn out.
After giving her a quick glance, the young man said, “Sorry, I got here first,” with a dismissive expression.
Just then, a tall, cane-wielding man approached the woman and said, “Dear, please take my seat.” I don’t need it as much as you do. She expressed her gratitude to him and sat down, clearly relieved. Then, turning to face the young man, the elderly man firmly and clearly asked, “Are you a man, son?” The younger man said, “Yeah,” looking up with a little confusion. “I don’t think so,” shot back the elderly man. You’re not a man just because you have anything between your legs. A true man provides strength and support to those who need it and aids those in need. And you’re not demonstrating that to us now, as we can all see. The young man’s face flushed. While remaining silent, he appeared to give it a lot of thought. As the subway traveled on, it appeared that everyone in the carriage was thinking over the old man’s remarks in silence.