I have no intention of allowing my husband’s ex-wife to move closer to us, as she is clearly trying to manipulate the situation.

Managing relationships with former partners can be challenging, especially when children are part of the equation. In today’s story, the situation becomes even more complex as the woman finds herself having to navigate the challenges of her past relationship with her ex-husband, who believes they should provide financial support for her and their children.

My husband has two children from a previous marriage, while I have one child. We do not have any children together. Just a short 20-minute drive away, his ex-wife resides nearby, raising their children. Initially, she engaged in some bothersome behavior, but nothing overly egregious.

It appears that she has a tendency to view herself in a superior light and is prone to passing judgment when I mention my work schedule or compare my relationship with my husband to hers. After reaching my limit, I decided to have a conversation with her about the importance of moving on from her past relationship with my husband. Surprisingly, my husband remained supportive, and her behavior changed.

Now this is where things become more challenging. Over the past 15 years, she has relied on my husband for both financial support and additional time. Recently, she has been leveraging her health issues to elicit sympathy from my husband. She frequently requests his presence at doctor’s appointments and comes up with excuses for not being able to drive herself. Despite having a boyfriend and family nearby, she expresses a desire to join us when we take the kids somewhere.

Recently, she informed my husband that she is unable to take care of her children due to her health. Currently, custody is shared, and our children spend time with us every other weekend and during school breaks.

She requested that I sell the house I purchased prior to meeting my husband and construct a small house for her on nearby land. Her words left me utterly stunned. She expressed a preference for keeping the kids nearby and voiced concerns about our ability to raise them effectively when I suggested they come live with us. She claimed that my husband had made a promise to her long before I came into the picture. I’m frustrated and feel like my feelings have been disregarded.

According to certain family members, my choice of a larger house is unnecessary and they accuse me of being self-centered. I find it frustrating that my husband hasn’t expressed his opinion on the matter. It can be challenging for me to assert myself given her illness, but it is necessary for me to do so.

However, I have made the decision to hold my position. When discussing the matter with my husband, I made it abundantly clear that I have no intention of selling my house. I explained to them that my house is a valuable asset for securing a bright future for my child. He agreed and expressed remorse for considering it, as his ex-wife’s illness was weighing heavily on him.

He reached out to her and expressed his frustration, urging her to stop manipulating others and asserting that he would no longer be a substitute for her boyfriend. Overwhelmed with emotion, she found herself in tears, urgently expressing the need for immediate medical attention. After ending the call, she decided to block both of us. I informed her of the rules via email. I’m feeling quite frustrated at the moment.

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If her health is not sufficient to care for the children, your husband should be granted custody. Any alternative suggestion implies that she may be dishonest in order to achieve her desired outcome or that she is extremely upset to the point where she would rather neglect the children than allow him to be successful. I believe the underlying motive is her desire to avoid the financial implications of paying child support to your husband and potentially losing the support she currently receives.
It would be beneficial for you to have a conversation with your husband. It’s surprising that you would choose to sell your house and invest the funds in constructing a new one for her. Excuse me? What is the purpose?
It would be beneficial if your in-laws refrained from placing traps in close proximity to your residence. If they desire, they have the option to construct a residence for her on their property. You have the power to protect your wallet from unwanted intrusions. It’s important for you to consider whether the strain and lack of respect in your relationship are worth enduring if your husband continues with this behavior. TheMeanestGoose on Reddit

I can empathize with the husband’s reluctance to leave his ex-wife. However, it’s important for him to realize that he is not responsible for her life and that she must face the consequences of her own actions and behavior. His assistance will exacerbate her situation, potentially leading to financial hardship. It’s time to accept the situation and allow her to take control of her own life. When individuals are held accountable for their actions, they tend to show improvement. Hey there, it’s Killarkittens on Reddit!

This is quite peculiar. Your husband should fully support you. We must put an immediate stop to this. He, not you. If not, he’s involved, and this becomes a concern that affects you and everyone else.
It’s understandable if you don’t feel inclined to assist your husband’s ex-spouse. If someone in your family accuses you of being self-centered, you can lend a hand. The mysterious creature on Reddit

The ex seems to bear a striking resemblance to the mother-in-law. The promises he made to her became invalid and ineffective following their divorce. He seems indifferent to the commitments he made to you. It is advised not to put your home up for sale. It’s important to keep your finances separate to avoid unintentionally assisting her.
Anyone who suggests that you are self-centered should take a closer look at themselves. She’s no longer your concern, yet it seems that the divorce hasn’t diminished your husband’s fascination with her. Awesome content on Reddit by great_content_gramma!

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