Established in 2016 by Static Media and reaching more than 1 million readers worldwide, Legends Forever is here to give you timely news, fresh perspectives, and exclusive content about celebrity gossip, the royal family, politics, breakups, scandals, high-profile crime, and more with accuracy and edge.

We don’t just report news, we editorialize it in a way that drives the conversation forward. That means asking questions that go beyond basic observations to dig into the nitty-gritty of what people are actually talking about. It also means consulting experts across various fields, including legal analysts, plastic surgeons, royal experts, and celebrity matchmakers to provide our articles with additional context and expert analysis to answer questions you didn’t even know you had.

Legends Forever also covers the biggest events in the industry, including the Oscars, Met Gala, and more. We also report on some of the most high-profile court cases in Hollywood and beyond. And yes, like you, we’re just as obsessed with all the outrageous fashion and messy moments.

We love to have fun here, but make no mistake: We’re serious about our editorial standards. Our team also works incredibly hard to make sure all of our news coverage is rigorously edited and grounded in facts from verifiable sources, not speculation. We pride ourselves on being a publication that brings a diverse set of voices to our coverage, which is notably sharp and honest, but never mean-spirited or disparaging.

To learn about our ownership, funding info, and our policies regarding advertising, ethics, fact checking and corrections, click here.

Contact us: (908) 514-8038‬ or info@legendsforever.live

For partnerships & ad sales: partnerships@legendsforever.live

Static Media: 11787 Lantern Road #201, Fishers, IN 46038


_________________OUR EDITORS _________________


Anna Papachristos
Carmen Ribecca



Cory Parker