People share the terrifying knowledge they came across about their friends.

Many times, we think we know all about our friends’ habits, quirks, and tastes. But one day, we might learn a dark secret or something unexpected about their lives that changes everything we thought we knew about them. We’re going to talk about shocking things people learned about their friends that changed the way they see them forever.

I went to work on a project at the house of a classmate. Her mom and dad were both very pale and thin, with dark circles under their eyes and arm veins. I finally got why they looked so scary when we got to the table to eat.
It came in a big bowl and was a bright green lump of food that was kind of gross. I learned that the parents insisted their child could only eat baby food, which was broccoli, carrots, apples, and other raw vegetables and fruits that had been pureed. They thought it was a good way to get nutrients, but the way they looked made me think otherwise.
When I got home and told my parents, they told me I couldn’t go back to my friend’s house.

Another friend of mine always talked about their best friend and the things they would do and say. The best friend of my friend had two different personalities. They had schizophrenia, but it wasn’t known until many years later. This is PM_ME_THEM_CURVES on Reddit.

When we were at a fun party, my friend leaned over and told me that he used to love the taste of boogers as a child and still does. SlimTom on Reddit

I learned that the dad of my friend used to be married to my teacher. He told neither his new wife nor my friend that he had been married and had kids with someone else before. They had been together for years and had kids together. My friend went to dance class with her half-sister, so they were friends even though she didn’t know it. I don’t know if she found out or not. Not a known author/Reddit

Someone I know who works at a nursing home looked me in the eye one night and told me she had been stealing jewelry and thousands of dollars from the old people she’s supposed to care for.

I learned that one of my friends often cheated on his girlfriends. He was also the nicest guy in the world, but after that, I never respected him as much. Not a known author/Reddit

One friend told me not long ago that another friend has been spying on their ex for years. They knew all of the ex’s passwords and how they chose them. They also read all of their emails and looked at their bank statements. They have several children together, but this person has always been mean.
The first person was told to stop, and the second person was told to change their passwords. What’s that going to? / Reddit

The company we worked for was going out of business. A friend of mine called me one night and told me that he had been stealing and had already gotten away with $25,000 worth of goods. Stinky*** on Reddit

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