Parental Stories That Show Raising Children: Even When They Aren’t Always Adorable: Hard Work

Stories from parents illustrating that although children aren’t always attractive, they do need a lot of effort.

Probably the hardest work in the world, being a parent requires constant dedication for a very long period. Still, some people believe that parenting is simple; all you have to do is prepare meals, read books to your child before bed, take park walks, and play games with them. But in actual life, things are quite different, and everything changes when a family has a kid.

My wife was hoping for another kid. Against it I was. Workwise, I work alone. Along with taking my family on vacation, I want to get a new car. She secretly stopped taking her medications, and one day she joyfully told me she was pregnant.
That was the last straw, she added, “You’ll change your mind and become a happy dad when the baby is born.” I requested for a divorce and left. Never again will I enter a home where nobody gives a damn what I think. Ideas/What I Heard

I raise one child by myself. Once my kid asked me, “Where do babies come from?” Since lying to my daughter bothers me, I searched for a children’s book that discusses it. When we settled in, we really discussed it.
According to a first-grader boy, children dwell in cabbages. Conversely, my daughter revealed to him what she knew. Next day, the boy’s parents contacted to inquire, “How come your 7-year-old knows these things?” Ignore it.
They threatened to call the police and child protective services if I continued. I vowed to give the parents’ group the tape of our talk. So that nobody would be offended, I also informed the teacher. She supported me no matter. Teachers can think critically, at least, which is a positive. What VK Heard

When she was a child, a daughter of distant cousins of mine sometimes go two or three days without eating if her parents refused to grant her requests. Instead of looking for a compromise, they bided their time till the girl was sufficiently hungry to eat some soup. But because they were indulging the girl and caving in to some of her desires, the same thing continued happening. This eventually faded, but she picked up other, more cunning tactics to control him, such fleeing. ADM / Singing Coon
Five years have passed since my friend got married. Suddenly her husband said, “Let’s have a baby.” Her question was, “Will you help me with the baby?” How often? Can you handle my hormonal changes? Could you maybe support us both at work? What happens should the child become ill?
“You’re sick,” he said, cutting them off fast. Radostnya ile Pikabu

People who tell me that my elder daughter looks after my younger daughter irritate me. Our money is restricted, which my 15-year-old daughter is well aware of. She is familiar with every expense we will incur. She is aware of how much money remains over for leisure activities and shopping.
A neighbor may pick up the younger daughter, but we will have to pay her, so my daughter won’t have enough money for a new phone. You might order dinner at home, but then you wouldn’t have any money left over for shopping. We chat a lot, and my daughter understands why and how she needs to support me. Found or Overheard

It will still be a week before my kid and I can leave the hospital. At home with my wife is our son. I’ve had to do this twice already, and the daughter listens to me. Carrying her comes more naturally to me. Think about it. Is it the same for you, one week of daily care followed by two weeks of home sickness? This has been our way of life for the past two years. The name is Pikabu or 59Block.

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