This devoted pair has a story of tenacity and unfailing support. Their relationship endured through many difficulties and setbacks.
The wife had never left her husband’s side and had lovingly looked after him for many months. Watching him as he slipped in and out of consciousness, she prayed for a miracle. Her commitment paid off at last as his eyes opened and he made a feeble motion for her to approach.
He said, in a tearful whisper, “You have been my rock through all my trials and tribulations.” He related the horrific event of getting shot and losing his job when his company failed.
But his wife supported and loved him without fail thru it all. “You chose to stand by my side and weather the storm together despite the devastating loss of our house,” he stated appreciatively. At my lowest moments, your tenacious presence was a ray of hope.
He was struck, when he thought back on their trip, by his wife’s tenacity and fortitude. Even as his health deteriorated, she never wavered in her dedication to their partnership. Her unfailing love and understanding turned into the light that sustained him.
The wife smiled gently and her heart swelled with love when the husband stopped for a moment. Love, what is it? she asked quietly.
Before saying what he thought, he hesitate. “I think you are unlucky,” he said.
Unexpected as it was, his comment brought home how close they were. All the difficulties they had together, their love had shown to be more powerful than any obstacles. That was evidence of their enduring relationship.
We are reminded by their narrative that love and dedication can endure even the hardest circumstances. It is an honoring of a love that perseveres in the face of all life throws at us.