Watchers of the classic television series “Bewitched” might have noticed a significant change in Elizabeth Montgomery’s wardrobe choices in the later seasons. In several episodes, Montgomery’s character Samantha Stephens notably defied the norm by refusing to wear a bra. Montgomery chose this deviation from custom for artistic and pragmatic reasons, even if spectators could have found it unpleasant.
Not only was Montgomery’s decision to forgo wearing a bra a conscious creative one, but one that was made in collaboration with the play’s producers and costume designers. As “Bewitched” grew into its later seasons and reflected the changing social mores of the day, Samantha’s character became increasingly associated with ideas of empowerment and emancipation. Montgomery wanted to question traditional notions of femininity and embrace a more organic and unfettered style while capturing Samantha’s self-assured and carefree nature by going braless.
Actresses may find the restrictive undergarments of the day uncomfortable during long hours on set, thus there were also pragmatic reasons for the decision to skip a bra. So Montgomery could play Samantha to the fullest extent possible, the show’s creators wanted her to be at ease and unrestricted. They therefore allowed her to travel without a bra. Montgomery might have dressed differently for the era, but ultimately it added dimension to the character and helped to capture the spirit of the times.