The daily meetings between a dog and a cat from nearby homes enthralled online viewers in a touching story of unanticipated friendship. The two, though they disagreed, had a unique relationship because they met through their windows.
But when potted plants blocked the cat’s window perch, their love affair came to an abrupt end and the dog was left alone. Knowing what was going on, the dog’s owner wrote a heartfelt letter to the cat’s family explaining how much their pet loved them.
Dear Neighbor, the note said. You have my dog infatuated with your cat. He checks in your windowsill for him or her three times a day. With potted plants there now, he is devastated. Would your plants perhaps move to a different window?
The cat owner moved the plants, moved by the appeal, so that the star-crossed pair might be together. Response was a note that said only, “For True Love!”
Removing the barrier, the dog and cat went back to their regular routine of silently admiring one other across the yard. Actually, there are no boundaries to love—not even between a dog and a cat.