Meetings with the eerie and repulsive in daily life might catch us off guard and make us want to tell others about these strange experiences. These twelve similar experiences range in unpleasantness from mild to outright repulsive:
The Potent Potato Salad: When the cook used past due salad dressing, a homemade potato salad at a BBQ resulted in a widespread food poisoning.
The Bus Stop Surprise: In South Texas, a woman regularly fed on raw chicken to people who were waiting for buses.
The Metro Mishap: A woman was seen using her dreadlocks as a napkin on the metro, which left a distinct odor and look.
The Library Nail Clipper: A guy started cutting his nails in a university library, upsetting the students and raising sanitary issues
The Gift from a Homeless Man: In a park, a homeless man dropped a newspaper on a bystander’s lap that was soiled with an unknown substance.
In a grocery store aisle, a small child sneezed into her mother’s mouth, shocking onlookers.
The train flosser: Using their fingers to scatter dirt around, a train passenger not only flossed their teeth but also cleansed their ears.
The Food Court Incident: During the busy holiday season, a lady ignored common courtesy by changing her baby’s diaper on a food court table.
During a hospital visit, doctors found a homeless guy hiding money inside an intestinal abscess.
A metro rider picked up and chewed on a piece of gum he discovered sticking to the floor.
The Burger Nightmare: An appetite-sapping fast food patron found slimy tomatoes and a cockroach inside their burger.
The Rainy Feet: On a wet day, a woman’s deeply split feet, shown in flip-flops, let water to trickle uncomfortably between them with every step.
These anecdotes remind us of the oddity sewn into the fabric of everyday life by demonstrating how commonplace odd and unpleasant experiences are.