After my sister’s husband created a mess in the bathroom, I took the opportunity to publicly embarrass him.

Dinners with the family are supposed to bring us together. One woman, on the other hand, had the exact opposite experience. The recent get-together at her house went in a strange direction, which made her angry. The way her brother-in-law behaved made her very upset.

Here’s what she had to say:

“We had a family dinner at our house with my parents, my sister and her husband John, and my husband. John went to the bathroom at one point and came back soon after. I had to go to the bathroom too, and I saw that no one else had gone in after him.

When I got in, I saw that the bathroom was a mess. He had peed on the floor next to the toilet, and the toilet seat was wet. It made me angry and shocked that an adult man didn’t even clean up after himself.

I was mad and didn’t want to clean up his mess. “Why did you pee all over the toilet and not even clean up?” I asked John. “I’m not your wife, and now you need to clean up.” He turned red right away and looked very embarrassed. My sister stepped in and told her, “Stop being so rude and crazy!” You could have just told me!” My parents also thought I was too upset.

I didn’t get why they didn’t care about how he was acting. I said someone else had to clean up the mess because I didn’t want to. I stated, “Either one of you (my sister or her husband) are cleaning it up or you’ll have to leave now” .

After calling me a drama queen, my sister cleaned up after her husband. It was a mess for dinner after everyone left. No one will talk to me now, and they think I should say sorry to her husband.”

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